Click on the Network tab to configure the streamer's ethernet connection parameters.
The following card is displayed:
Figure 1.3 - Network card of the Configuration window.
"Use DHCP to get IP address": If this box is checked, the SNS-101 module will use
the DHCP protocol for assigning dynamic IP addresses. Consequently, no data
needs to be entered in the next five fields on the tab.
If the administrator of the network on which the SNS headend is installed assigns
static IP addresses, the box will not be checked and the following fields will need to
be filled in.
WARNING: If this option is activated, the IP address assigned to the streamer can
only be known by consulting the DHCP server management system.
"IP Address": Enter the IP address that you wish to assign to the streamer. This
address must fall within the range of local network addresses.
"Network mask": Enter the local network mask.
"Default gateway": Enter the IP address of this gateway. This information is only
required if you want the streamer to access Internet.
"Primary DNS server": Enter the primary server's IP address. Equally, this
information is only required if you want the streamer to access Internet.
"Secondary DNS server": Enter the same information for the secondary server.
"MAC Address": The physical address of the streamer's ethernet network card is
displayed automatically.
Once you have filled in all of the required information, click on
Modify Network Configuration.
If, at the last moment,
you decide to keep the current settings, click on