Hoouussiinngg M
The Ikelite Digital Housing should be given the same care and
attention as your other photographic equipment. In addition to
normal maintenance we recommend that the housing be returned
to Ikelite periodically to be checked and pressure tested.
1. D
Doo N
Noott leave the camcorder and housing in direct sunlight for
prolonged periods. Heat may damage the camcorder.
2. D
Doo N
Noott ship the camcorder in the housing.
3 Keep the back o-ring clean and lightly lubricated. Only apply
enough lubricant to make the o-ring feel slick. D
Doo N
Noott ssttrreettcchh
tthhee oo--rriinngg. This light coating of lubricant will help to keep the
o-ring from drying out and reduce friction when opening and
closing the housing. Keep the area where the o-ring fits and the
sealing surface of the housing clean.
4 Rinse the housing exterior thoroughly in fresh water after each
salt water use. Dry with a soft cloth. Dry lens port to eliminate
water spotting.
After several uses in salt water, soak the housing exterior in a
mild soap solution, rinse and dry before storage. When storing
the housing, remove the back o-ring, lightly lubricate and place
in a plastic bag. Place the plastic bag with o-ring inside the
housing for safe keeping.
PPuusshh bbuuttttoonn ccoonnttrroollss require no maintenance other than rinsing in
fresh water after saltwater use. If a push button control
becomes difficult to push, or if it sticks when depressed, soak
the housing in luke warm fresh water. After a few minutes
operate the push button. If this does not correct the problem,
return the housing to Ikelite for routine maintenance.
Complete information regarding optional accessories available at
IIkkeelliittee W
W--2200 W
Wiiddee--AAnnggllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn LLeennss #
For increased angle of coverage, color, and clari-
ty, add the Ikelite W-20 #6420, or other 67mm
wide-angle conversion lenses. Ikelite 67mm
Threaded Port Adapter #
#99330066..7788 is required to
attach 67mm conversion lenses to the housing
#99330066..7788 6677m
m TThhrreeaaddeedd PPoorrtt AAddaapptteerr
Allows attaching Ikelite W-20 Wide-Angle
Conversion Lens #6420 with 67mm threads.
Also allows attachment of Epoque, Type II Inon screw-on lenses,
and macro lenses or diopters with 67mm threads. Includes larger
size removable flash deflector.
#99330066..8855 BBaayyoonneett PPoorrtt AAddaapptteerr
Allows attaching INON UWL-105 AD, UWL-100 28AD, and
UFL-165AD bayonet mount lenses.
OTTEE:: Slight edge softness around the picture edges is normal in
some situations. Slight vignetting can occur with the camera in it’s
widest angle setting when using conversion lenses. Zoom in to
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
Maaiinn H
Hoouussiinngg O
O--rriinngg #
O-rings last for several years if properly maintained (See
housing maintenance page #12). Always carry a spare in case
your housing o-ring becomes damaged or lost.
IIkkeelliittee LLuubbee #
#55002200 ((44 -- 11cccc ttuubbeess))
For light lubrication of the main housing o-ring.
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
URR//PPrroo BBlluuee W
Waatteerr FFiilltteerr #
((iinncclluuddeedd w
wiitthh hhoouussiinngg))
(#6441.42 for W-20 Accessory Lens)
The UR/Pro color correcting filter is designed to restore some of
the warm colors filtered out by the water. For use with
available light and video lite.
URR//PPrroo GGrreeeenn W
Waatteerr FFiilltteerr #
(#6441.82 for W-20 Accessory Lens)
Enhances contrast and alters the color of green water to give
your subject a rich, natural tone. For use with available light
and video lite.
Dual Tray
Single Tray
VViiddeeoo CCoom
mppaacctt TTrraayy #
#99552233..5511 // D
Duuaall TTrraayy #
#99552233..5522 //
Haannddllee #
Attaches to the Ikelite Compact Video Housing.
Allows the attachment of one or two Pro-V8
Video Lites, or the Pro Video Lite 3. Hardware
included for easy attachment to your housing.
Lites can be attached to a single or dual tray,
with or without Handle(s).
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorriieess
Once the Video Compact
Tray is attached to the
housing, the Pro-V8 Flex
Arm easily attaches to the
Flex Mount Ball as shown.
Once attached, the Pro-V8
Lite can be repositioned
Hoouussiinngg w
wiitthh TTrraayy aattttaacchheedd
Flex Arm
Flex Mount
Pro-V8 Lite
PPrroo--VV88 VViiddeeoo LLiittee #
The Pro-V8 LED is the easiest and most affordable way to add
valuable light to your system.The flexible pop-bead flex arm allows
the light to be repositioned effortlessly. The included flex mount
ball attaches to the Video Compact Tray. For more light, add a
second Pro-V8 LED or the Pro Video Lite 3 system with the
#9523.52 Dual Tray. Requires the #9523.51Video Compact Tray,
sold separately.