Radio channel operation.
The devices can synchronize their modes with each other, as well as be operated from remote controls.
It allows to start and stop different devices in different modes simultaneously.
Radio can be turned off, if synchronization of the device is not required. On default radio is on, total
control mode is off, group work mode is on, slave mode is not active.
There are several principal modes for radio operation in the device:
Radio is on, total control mode is not active.
In this state the device reacts only on commands to enter into performance preparation mode
and to launch in performance mode. All the other commands are ignored;
Radio is on, total control mode is active.
In this state the device totally follows airing commands. Total control over the device is possible
solely in this state. It includes:
navigating over the menu;
play/stop sequences and single images;
entrance into performance preparation mode and launching in performance mode;
going out of performance mode into the menu;
battery level check-up;
total shutdown of the devices.
Radio is on, group work mode is active;
In this state the devices can be split on several groups (up to 32), thereby allowing each group to
work independently. The device will react only to commands aired for the group which the
device belongs to.
Radio is on, slave mode is active.
In this state the device accepts commands, but doesn't air any.