SmartModul CR2512
1 Preliminary note
Technical data, approvals, accessories and further information at www�ifm�com�
Important note
Non-compliance can result in malfunctions or interference�
Supplementary note
2 Safety instructions
This description is part of the unit� It contains texts and drawings concerning the
correct handling of the controller and must be read before installation or use�
Observe the information of the description� Non-observance of the notes, operati-
on which is not in accordance with use as prescribed below, wrong installation or
handling can result in serious harm concerning the safety of persons and plant�
The device may only be installed, connected and commissioned by qualified per-
Disconnect the device externally before doing any work on it� If necessary, also
disconnect separately supplied output load circuits�
In the case of malfunctions or uncertainties please contact the manufacturer�
Tampering with the device can lead to considerable risks for the safety of persons
and plant� It is not permitted and leads to an exclusion of any liability and warranty
3 Function and features
Das E/A-Modul CR2512 dient zur dezentralen Auswertung von Sensorsignalen
und zur Ansteuerung von Aktoren und Proportionalventilen� Über die integrierte
Strommessung kann der Spulenstrom überwacht und zur Regelung genutzt wer-