The position of the overflow prevention OP can be determined by calling up
the parameter [OP]. Note the offset if necessary.
The current level is to be determined manually since the unit is not yet
ready for operation before the adjustment.
When the overflow prevention is activated ([OP] = [value ...]), an adjust-
ment [cOP] must be carried out each time:
• [MEdI] or [OP] was changed. In this case
is displayed.
• The installation position (height, orientation) was changed.
• The connection between the sensor and the tank ground (e.g. cable
length) was changed.
With deactivated overflow prevention [OP] = [OFF] or [MEdI] = [Auto]:
To apply the basic settings and to adapt to the medium and installation
environment the unit has to be reinitialised
when installed
Switch the operating voltage off and on again.