CabinetModule CR2012
7 Parameter setting
7.1 Automatic saving
Automatic saving of the communication and device parameters can be activated or
deactivated by means of the “save parameter” entry (object directory, index 1010,
S-Idx 01)�
● Value 0x00:
There is no automatic saving� Changed parameters are only valid until the device
is switched off or until the next reset�
● Value 0x01:
Changed parameters will be saved if the string “save” is written in S-Idx 01� Other-
wise changed parameters are only valid until the device is switched off or until the
next reset�
● Value 0x02:
Changed parameters are saved automatically�
7.2 Restoring the factory setting
With the function “restore” (object directory, index 1011, subindex 01) the factory
default values can be restored (except for the baud rate and the node ID)� They
become valid with the next power on�