Output Module CR2011
Index S-Idx
Default Description
Setting of the
Node ID
u8, rw 0x20
(= 32)
The node ID used to access the output module in
the CANopen network�
Setting of the
Node ID
u8, rw 0x20
(= 32)
The node ID used to access the output module in
the CANopen network�
A change is only accepted if the entries 20F0 and 20F1 contain the same changed value�
Values below 1 /above 127 are not accepted�
After setting of the node ID a reset must be made (switch off the module for a short time) so that the new
entries become valid�
Setting of the
Baud Rate
u8, rw 0x03
Baud rate of the CAN network
0 = 1000 kBaud
1 = 500 kBaud
2 = 250 kBaud
3 = 125 kBaud
4 = 100 kBaud
5 = 50 kBaud
6 = 20 kBaud
7 = 10 kBaud
Setting of the
Baud Rate
u8, rw 0x03
Baud rate of the CAN network (as before)
A change is only accepted if the entries 20F2 and 20F3 contain the same changed value� Values above 7
are not accepted�
After setting of the node ID a reset must be made (switch off the module for a short time) so that the new
entries become valid�
*) The combined output channels are always configured the same way�
Explanation of the abbreviations:
0x��� = hexadecimal value
0b��� = bit coded
0d��� = decimal value
str = string
rw = read-write
ro = read only
u8 = unsigned 8 bit
u16 = unsigned 16 bit
u32 = unsigned 32 bit