HRRS Series
4.3.3 Calibration Procedure
To calibrate the HRRS unit, proceed as follows
1. Confirm that the leakage resistance between
either binding post and the case ground is
times the highest unit resistance, but
may be as low at 1 TΩ.
If this is not obtained, clean the area
around the binding posts as described in
Section 4.2.
2. Confirm the zero resistance of the unit.
3. Determine the allowable upper and lower
limits for each resistance setting of each
decade based on the specified accuracy (See
Specifications on Page 2).
4. Confirm that the resistances fall within these
limits after subtraction of the zero resistance.
If any resistances fall outside thee limits,
the associated switch assembly may
require service or replacement.
Connect the G (GND) terminal to
earth or other suitable ground in
order to maintain the case at a safe
Whenever hazardous voltag e s
(>45 v) are used, take all measures to
avoid accidental contact with any live
U s e m a x i m u m i n s u l a t i o n a n d
minimize the use of bare conductors.
Po s t w a r n i n g s i g n s a n d k e e p
personnel safely away.
4.4 Schematic
Refer to Figure 4-1 for a schematic of the HRRS unit.
Figure 4-1: HRRS Series Schematic Diagram