6.2 How to enter the MASTER MODE
You must enter the MASTER MODE first to initialize LX505/LX505SR or change the basic setting.
1. Press „0‟ key eight times (00000000) and press <ENT> key.
Initial Master ID for LX505SR is that pressing <0> key ten times.
2. There are 9 SETUP MENUS and you are entered [F1 SETUP MENU] first.
You can move to other SETUP MENUS by pressing <F1> to <F9> keys.
For example, if you want to go to [F2 SETUP MENU], then press <F2> key. To enter [F5 SETUP MENU],
press <F5> key.
3. There are several SUBMENUS inside each SETUP MENU and you can move to other SUBMENUs by pressing
<4> and <6> key.
If you don‟t press any key within 60 seconds or press <ESC> key, the system will exit from the SETUP
MENU and returns to the normal operating mode. You can change the Master ID in the [F7 SETUP MENU].
6.3 Language setting
1. Select [LANGUAGE] in [F1 SETUP MENU] and then press <ENT> key.
2. Using <4> and <6> keys, select language and then press <ENT> key.
3. After finishing language setting, press <ESC> key then the system will exit from the SETUP MENU and
return to the normal operating mode.
1. Language
- > English
1. Language
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