Integrated Device Technology
Quick start ADC1410S, ADC1210S, ADC1010S series
Quick start
© IDT 2012. All rights reserved.
Quick start
Rev. 06
— 2 July 2012
18 of 27
3.2.4 Tools page
This page allows the user to calculate the coherent frequencies values involved of the
acquisition process. It gives an indication where the 6 first harmonics are located in
the Nyquist zone.
Enter your analog and sampling frequencies in field
Indicate the number of
samples to be acquired
, as well as the fixed parameter for the coherency
calculation (Fs in our example above
). Press “UPDATE GRAPH” to look at the
frequency plan, it gives also the real Fin frequency (Refer to
details on coherency calculation):
Fig 12.
SW_ADC_1_r02: “Tools” page
Note: The level of the harmonics shown does not reproduce the behavior of the ADC;
they are only given as indication for location.