IDS NXT malibu: Technical Manual
Fig. 26: Website w ith system status
8.3 Opening the REST interface documentation
You can access a separate website for the camera's REST interface, which displays an interactive
documentation. For this purpose, enter the following address in your browser:
http://<IP address of
the camera>/restinterface
. Alternatively, you can access the REST documentation directly in the
finder of the IDS NXT cockpit.
1. Open the IDS NXT cockpit.
2. Select the camera of which you want to open the REST documentation.
3. Click
on the right and select "Open REST interface" from the menu.
The REST documentation opens in the browser.
The REST documentation is based on Swagger UI and the OpenAPI specification 3.0. Here, you can view the
available REST commands and also directly send test requests.
If you want to send test requests of REST commands, you need to log on to the camera.
1. Click on the "Authorize" button.
2. Enter the username and password for the user profile you want to use to send the test