Connecting to personal computers
When installing updates such as Microsoft ActiveSync 4.5 (Windows 2000/XP/2003)
or Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 (Windows Vista/2008/7), you can do so by
connecting a data cable between the i6100 terminal and a personal computer. Downloads
are available from the Microsoft website.
Restarting the device
You may need to restart the device if it is running slower than usual or the software
encounters an operation issue. Restarting options include:
1. Warm reboot
A warm reboot stops the device’s current operations, and powers the system back on.
All settings and data will be saved. To do a warm reboot: insert the stylus into the Reset
hole in the back of the device.
2. Cold reboot
A cold reboot turns off the power; all data that is not saved or just stored in the
cache will be lost. To do a cold reboot: press and hold the Fn key while inserting the
stylus into the Reset hole in the back of the device. Immediately release both the Fn and
Reset simultaneously.
Restore factory settings
In some cases, you may need to clear your own settings. This can be done via
"restore factory settings". All stored device and function settings are erased.
To restore factory settings: double-click the RestoreFactoryDefault icon in the
Control Panel, then enter the number 1234. The device will restart automatically after its
factory settings are restored.