2 Operation confirmation
3 Menu
4 Appendix
1 Overview
Terms of use
Software End User License Agreement
Carefully read the following license agreement.
This agreement, regarding this software product (hereinafter called "this software") which you are in possession of,
is a legal agreement that is concluded between the customer (individual or corporation) and the IDEC Corpora-
tion (hereinafter called "IDEC"). This software may include computer software and related media, printed materials
(manuals and other documents) as well as "online" or electronic documents. By installing, copying or using this software,
the customer is regarded to agree to the terms of this agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this agreement, IDEC
cannot grant the customer permission to install, use, or copy this software product.
When the customer uses this software, the conditions of its application are as follows.
GRANT. Without any charge, IDEC CORPORATION (IC) hereby grants to you a non-exclusive license to use its accom-
panying software product and accompanying documentation (Software).
You may: copy the Software for archival purposes, provided any copy must contain all of the original Software's pro-
prietary notices.
You may not: copy the Software (except as specified above); rent, lease, sell, transfer or otherwise transfer rights to
the Software; permit other individuals to use the Software except under the terms listed above; or remove any pro-
prietary notices or labels on the Software.
IDEC does not guarantee the absence of flaws, compatibility, operability, usability, and non-infringement of this
software. Additionally, IDEC bears absolutely no responsibility for any and all types of loss including loss of trust,
suspension of operations, hardware failure, and all other commercial loss whether direct or indirect.
2.1. You may not: permit other individuals to use the Software except under the terms listed above; modify, translate, re-
verse engineer, decompile, disassemble (except to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction),
or create derivative works based on the Software.
2.2. Use of this software for profit-making purposes is forbidden.
2.3. The use of content for this software to conduct illegal or improper behavior is forbidden.
2.4. EXPORT CONTROLS. None of the Software or underlying information or technology may be downloaded or oth-
erwise exported or reexported (i) into (or to a national or resident of ) Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Iran or any other
country to which the U.S. has embargoed goods; or (ii) to anyone on the U.S.Treasury Department's list of Specially
Designated Nationals or the U.S. Commerce Department's Table of Deny Orders.
2.5. In the event that the customer is in violation of this agreement or prohibited items resulting in damage to IDEC,
IDEC can bill the user in question for compensation for damages and recovery measures, as well as confiscate this
software and/or take any other actions deemed necessary.
3.1. TITLE. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the Software shall remain in IC and/or its
suppliers. The Software is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and international copyright treaties.
If you receive your first copy of the Software electronically, and a second copy on media, the second copy may be
used for archival purposes only. Title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to the content ac-
cessed through the Software is the property of the applicable content owner and may be protected by applicable
copyright or other law. This License gives you no rights to such content.
3.2. Checking the environment in which this software will be installed and ensuring data retention through backup and
other such actions are the sole responsibility of the customer.