This document is the user's manual for the WB9Z-CU100 support tool, a support tool for the Communication Unit Supporting
Code Scanner WB9Z-CU100. The WB9Z-CU100 support tool is provided “as- is” free of charge, whether express or implied, with-
out warranty of any kind, including, but not limited to merchantability, compatibility for specific purposes, non-defect, and
non-infringement of third party rights. You may operate this WB9Z-CU100 support tool only under your responsibility and
IDEC Corporation (“IDEC”) will not be responsible for any damage whatsoever, including but not limited to consequential
damage, indirect damage, special damage, incidental damage, loss of profit, business interruptions, loss of business infor-
mation, and other monetary damages, that occurs from the use or the inability to use this WB9Z-CU100 support tool, even if
IDEC is informed of the possibility of such damages.
Before using the WB9Z-CU100 support tool, please read this manual and understand the specifications of the software so
that it can be used correctly.
IDEC Corporation holds all rights related to this manual. Unauthorized duplication, reproduction, sales, transfers, or leas-
ing without the express consent of IDEC is prohibited.
The content of this manual may change without prior notification.
We have taken all possible measures with the content of this product, but if you notice any portions that are unclear, or
any mistakes, please contact the dealer where purchased or an IDEC sales representative.