IDEC SmartRelay Manual
Use as intended
Please note:
IDEC IZUMI CORPORATION All rights reserved
The reproduction, distribution or use of this document or its
contents is not permitted without express written authority.
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights reserved, in
particular in the event of patents being granted or the regis-
tration of a utility model or design.
Disclaimer of liability
We have examined the contents of this publication for agree-
ment with the hardware and software described. Neverthe-
less, discrepancies can not be ruled out. Any liability and
warranty for the accuracy of this information is excluded. The
data in this manual are reviewed at regular intervals. Any
corrections required are included in the subsequent editions.
Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.
This device must always be used as intended for the applications
described in the catalog and in the technical specifications, and
only in combination with third-party devices or components ap-
proved or recommended by IDEC.
Prerequisite for the safe and proper operation of the product is its
proper transportation, storage, installation and mounting, and
careful operator control and maintenance.
Courtesy of Steven Engineering, Inc. ● 230 Ryan Way, South San Francisco, CA 94080-6370 ● General Inquiries: (800) 670-4183 ● www.stevenengineering.com