Acquiring network address from DHCP server*
This method acquires the Web Server Unit’s network address from the DHCP server. In the network settings
screen, select [Obtain automatically using DHCP], and click the [Save] button. The setting is applied when you
connect to the network and then restart the Web Server Unit.
Fixed network address allocation
Sets a fixed user-specified network address. Make sure that every IP address set in the same network is unique.
In the network settings screen, select [Use the following IP Address :], and enter the desired IP address, subnet
mask and default gateway address. Click the [Save] button. The setting is applied when you connect to the
network and then restart the Web Server Unit.
* If there is no DHCP server in the same network used by the Web Server Unit, the network address can’t be
acquired, so use method (2) to set the network address.
When using DHCP server or not
DHCP server
The DHCP server allocates the
network address.
When the DHCP server and the Web Server Unit
are in the same network.
It operates on the network address
allocated by the DHCP server.
When the DHCP server and the Web Server Unit
are not in the same network.
It operates on the network address
that is set by the user.
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