Zboard™ User Guide
The Bar LED indicates whether the functions of the ‘‘Internet Bar’’ Area of the Zboard™
Keyset are active or not. It can be activated when Internet Explorer is the active application
on your screen by pressing the Bar Lock key.
NOTE 1: When the Bar LED is illuminated, indicating that the Bar Area is
active, standard function key (F1 --- F12) operations are not available. To
enable the standard function key features, press the Bar Lock key to disable
the ‘‘Internet Bar’’ Area.
NOTE 2: When the Bar LED is illuminated and the alternative commands are
enabled you can still use the combination Alt+F4 (‘‘Close’’) shortcut.
Zboard™ Gaming Keyset
The Gaming Keyset was designed to let you play the full spectrum of today’s shooter and
action games and gives you an enhanced gaming experience, advanced layout and built-in
technology advantages such as:
Dedicated gaming keys that are enlarged and sloped to help keep your fingers
comfortable after hours of gaming