Transporting a Pedelec
By car
You can transport the Pedelec on a suitable car-
rier by car, just like a bicycle.
• Note that the carrier must be licensed for the
higher weight of the Pedelec.
• Remove the battery before transport and han-
dle it separately.
• Make sure that the contacts are protected
against shortcuts.
By public transport
The regulations for the transport of bicycles also
apply here. They are listed in the general part of
these instructions. For safety reasons take the
battery of the bike before entering the rain. Put it
back in when you have left the rain.
By aircraft
The battery packs are subject to the Dangerous
Goods Legislation requirements. It is not allowed
to transport a battery in Aircraft.
Liability for material defects and service life
A legally stipulated liability period
of two years applies to material
defects. Increased application of
force resulting from the electrical
ride leads to higher wear of wear-
ing parts such as brakes and tyres
compared to a normal bicycle. The reasons for
this are the higher vehicle weight and the higher
average speed achieved due to the drive. Higher
wear is not a material fault and is not covered
by the warranty. Typical components affected by
this are:
• Tyres
• Brake pads
• Components of the drive
• Spokes
The battery is subject to ageing and is therefore
a wearing part. Please note that the riding range
drops with the age and the extent of use of the
battery. Consider this when planning trips and
exchange the battery for a new one as required.
Replacement batteries are available from your
specialist dealer.
Batteries for Pedelelecs and electrical bicy-
Batteries for Pedelecs and electrical bicycles
must be treated as dangerous goods and are
therefore subject to special marking retirements.
They must always be disposed of through a spe-
cialist dealer or the manufacturer.
Accus are no waste! For proper disposal ask
your specialized dealer.
For questions concerning your bicycle please
always contact your dealer first, only then in
case the manufacturer of the bicycle.
For contact details please refer to the
warranty section, back cover or other included
information of the brand/manufacturer.
Responsible for sales and marketing
inMotion mar.com, Rosenteinstr.22
D-70191 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel +49 711 35164091
Fax +49 711 35164099
Content and images
Veidt-Anleitungen, Mittelstr. 4
D-65307 Bad Schwalbach, Germany
Tel 49 6124 6054161
Legal inspection by a lawer’s office specialis-
ing in intellectual property
These operating instructions cover the re-
quirements and scope of ISO 4210:2014, ISO
8098:2014, EN 16054, EN 15194.
In the case of delivery or use of this product
outside of the scope of the aforementioned
areas, the manufacturer of the bicycle is
required to supply the necessary operating
@Multiplication, reprinting and translation
as well as any commercial use (including
extracts, in printed or digital form) is only
permitted if specifically granted in writing in
3in1 E EN Version 2.5 February 2016
Bat tery
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