Loose accessories
Attached accessories
You always have to fit the enclosed
accessories in line with the guidelines
and instructions. You have to ensure
that ensure that screwed connections are se-
cured with the correct torque (see page 37
“Torques for bolted connections”).
• Only use add-on parts which satisfy the
requirements of the applicable legal guide-
lines and road traffic regulations.
• The use of unauthorised accessories may
lead to accidents or severe falls. You should
therefore only use original accessories and
add-on parts which fit your bicycle.
• Allow a specialist retailer to advise you.
Loose luggage rack
Only install children’s trailers on bicy-
cles which are suitable for this kind
of equipment. Only use the intended
fastening options. Ask you specialist dealer
whether and how luggage may be transport-
ed when you have a frame and components
made of carbon fibre. Never attach a bag-
gage rack to the seat post! It is not designed
for this purpose. Subjecting this part of the
bicycle to excess weight with a rack can lead
to breaks in the seat post and serious falls!
Bar ends
Bar ends always have to be attached
to the handlebars with the correct
torque, otherwise this can cause falls.
Before fitting the bar ends, please in-
form yourself whether the add-on has been
approved by the handlebar manufacturer, as
only then may the bar ends be fitted.
You can not combine every frame
and part made of carbon fiber! Read
the manuals of the manufacturers
and ask your specialized dealer.
Accessories/ maintenance/ spare parts
Light system
Side dynamos are usual-
ly switched on by pres-
sure from the top.
The switches for hub
dynamos are at the rear
of the headlight or on the
handlebars. The light
system will automatically
switch on or off when it is
equipped with a sensor.
Please read the operating instruc-
tions supplied for your light system.
If a light is not working properly, the
bulb is usually broken in conventional lights. If
you feel confident, you can check this yourself
and install a replacement bulb. Suitable bulbs
are available from your specialist retailer. It is
not possible to replace the bulbs in modern
LED lights.
Clean your reflectors and lights on
a regular basis. Warm water with
cleaning fluid or washing up liquid is
suitable here. It is also important to keep the
contact points in good condition with a suit-
able spray lubricant.
Working lights are essential for sur-
vival! Have them checked and re-
paired by a specialist dealer.
* see page 37
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