ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2006
- 16 -
For the loop video, copy 000816Main.mpg video clip into the root directory (F:\).
Create File Folder 01,02,03 and 04.
Prepare the Horse, Lion, Tiger and Cat video clips. Copy Horse video clip into File
folder 01. Copy Lion video clip into File folder 02. Copy Tiger video clip into File folder
03. Copy Cat video clip into File folder 04.
EXAMPLES 4 and up are samples for interactive mode.
A video exhibit with 1 push button. After powering up, a loop video (000816Main.avi)
will be played. If push button 1 is triggered a horse video clip will be played. While
playing no interrupt is allowed. After playing the video, the player will return to play the
loop video (000816Main.avi).
The structure of the CF/USB drive is as follows:
... Loop this file after powering up.
... Input 1 plays this file and return home.
For the loop video, copy 000816Main.avi video clip into the root directory (F:\).
Prepare the Horse video clip and rename it as follows:
Horse.avi video clip, add 6 digit numbers. The new name is 000100horse.avi.
Copy this file to file folder 01. Since the first 2 digits is 00, this file will automatically be
played when mpx player is inside file folder 01.
The third digit is 0, relay is OFF while playing this file.
The fourth digit is 1, interrupt is not allowed while playing this file.
The fifth and sixth digit is 00, mpx player will return to home position (00) after playing
this file.
The above is an example of a video exhibit. For Audio exhibit, replace the video files
with mp3 audio files.
Example 5:
A video exhibit with 2 push button and no interrupt while playing. After powering
up, a loop video (000816Main.mp4) will be played. If push button 1 is triggered a
horse video clip will be played. While playing no interrupt is allowed. After playing the
video, the player will return to play the loop video (Main.mp4). If push button 2 is
triggered a lion video clip will be played. While playing no interrupt is allowed. After
playing the video, the player will return to play the loop video (000816Main.mp4).