ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2006
- 11 -
First and Second number, 16 possibi 00:
020101Horse.mp4, this file will play when input 2 is triggered.
030101Lion.mp4, this file will play when input 3 is triggered.
080101Cat.mp4, this file will play when input 8 is triggered.
160101Tiger.mp4, this file will play when input 16 is triggered.
Third number, 2 possibilities:
TURN RELAY ON or OFF while playing a file.
The third number has 2 possibilities number 0 and number 1.
If the number is 1, Relay is ON. (terminal «Busy» and «Com»)
Turn relay ON while playing this file.
If the number is 0, Relay is OFF.
Relay is OFF while playing this file.
Fourth number, 2 possibilities:
INTERRUPT or NO INTERRUPT while playing a file.
The fourth number has 2 playback possibilities number 0 and number 1.
Standard play with interrupt (number is 0).
Example: 011022cats.mpg
Abort playback if another input is triggered and immediately play the other file.
Play with no interrupt (number is 1).
Example: 011122cats.mpg
Ignore input, no interrupt is allowed while playing this file.
Fifth and Sixth number, 96 possibi numbers 00, 99,98 and 97:
JUMP to FILE FOLDER after playing a file.
The fifth and the sixth number refer to a file folder name.
001022dogs.mp4 after finish playing this file the mpx player will jump to file folder 22.
121118horses.mpg after finish playing this file the mpx player will jump to file folder 18
091143lion.mp3 after finish playing this file the mpx player will jump to file folder 43