ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2006
- 9 -
16 : adjustment possible on the whole volume range of the player
000800cheval.mpg : volume set at 8 ; no adjustment allowed using inputs Vol+ and
000808chat.mpg : volume set at 8 ; possible adju 8 and - 8 using Vol+ et Vol-
000116chat.mpg : volume set to minimum value ; possible adjustment on the whole
volume scale of the player using Vol+ et Vol-
Important : Do not include spaces nor special characters in the file names.
Any file (or files) in the root directory will automatically loop after powering up.
Caution : For the Flash MPX to work correctly, at least ONE file, video, audio or still
frame, must be stored at the root ; the file name must include the 6 digits which will
define the volume level of the player and the scale of adjustment.
To play a file using push button, you have to create file folders. You can create up to
96 file folders, however the first 16 file folder are directly related to the 16 input. E.g.:
File folder 01 is for input 1, file folder02 is for input 2 etc.
Upon entering a file folder, the Flash mpx will automatically play the first file. While
playing or after playing this file you assign the 16 push buttons again to play other files
(inside this file folder). To play the other files inside this file folder, you have to rename
each file by adding 6 numbers in front of the file name. The function of these 6 numbers
is explained below.
Create file folder on your PC or MAC and name it using 2 numbers (numerical) only.
Eg: 01, 20, 32 etc.
Maximum number of file folder is 96. File folders 00, 99,98 and 97 are exclusive and
are used for specific instruction only.
File folder that does not have 2 numbers will be ignored.
File folder 01 is accessible by input 1.
File folder 02 is accessible by input 2.
File folder 08 is accessible by input 8.
File folder 16 is accessible by input 16.