ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
ID-AL - FLASH MPX - MP2/3/4 audio/video player - Manual
® Waves System
V 1.2 - 2006
- 10 -
The Flash mpx has 8 input and 1 UP input for a total of 16 input.
HOW to trigger an INPUT:
To trigger input 1 to 8, short it momentarily to ground.
To trigger input 9, short both 1 and UP momentarily to ground.
To trigger input 10, short both 2 and UP momentarily to ground.
To trigger input 16, short both 8 and UP momentarily to ground.
After powering up the player will loop all files in the root directory, relay is OFF. If there
is no file in the root directory, then the player will simply idle and wait for an input.
This is the Home position of the mpx player. From this home position you can select
16 input.
From home position, if input#1 is triggered, the mpx player will immediately go to file
folder 01 and plays the first file in that file folder.
From home position, if input#2 is triggered, the mpx player will immediately go to file
folder 02 and plays the first file in that file folder.
From home position, if input#16 is triggered, the mpx player will immediately go to file
folder 16 and plays the first file in that file folder.
After entering a file folder the mpx player will automatically play the first file in that file
folder. While inside a file folder you can set the mpx player to play 16 more files.
For example while playing the first file inside a file folder, if input #1 is triggered then
the mpx player will play the file with a file name that starts with 01. If input #2 is
triggered then the mpx player will play the file with a file name that starts with 02.
After finish playing a file and depending on the file name, the mpx player will read
characters 5 and 6 (file name) and stay or jump into this file folder.
Example: 000122Lion.mp4. After entering this file folder, mpx player will play this file.
After finish playing this file, mpx player will jump to file folder 22.
If the file folder does not exist, the mpx player will go into default mode and returns to
home position.
Below is the definition of the first six numbers of a file name.