® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2018
ID-AL - EventPlayer mkII - Audio and DMX player - User manual
Notes :
- The dates requiring no actions are left empty and do not refer to any day template.
- If several dates require the exact same set of actions, then the calendar can refer to the same day
template for these dates.
A day template contains all the events of a full day, for every minute, from 00:00 till 23:59. These events
describe the command (action) to execute and when (precise time).
With the Scheduler feature:
A schedule can contain up to 65535 different day templates.
Within a day template, a different command can be scheduled for each minute.
An action takes place precisely upon minute change.
An event can execute a one-time command.
The following commands can be attached to an event:
launch the playback of a folder containing audio files (up to 1000 folders supported). This
command requires the number of the folder to play (3 first digits between 000 and 999). The folder has to
be stored in the root folder of the storage device. The way a folder is played depends on the tags appended
to its name (loop: xxx[Jxxx], random: xxx[RND], sequential: xxx[SEQ]) (see the chapters Organization of
the Folders).
launch the playback of the folder in which the player stopped. If no folder playback action predates
this command, or if the player stopped because out of a folder, this action is ignored.
stop the playback within the folder being played.
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