® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2018
ID-AL - EventPlayer mkII - Audio and DMX player - User manual
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001 [J100]
After the folder 001 playback, jump to the folder 100.
002 [J100]
After the folder 002 playback, jump to the folder 100.
100 [RET]
After the folder 100 playback, return to the previous folder (001 or 002).
In the above example, after the playback of the folder 001 or 002, the folder 100 is played, then the player
jumps back to the initial folder (001 or 002).
Note: The [RET] tag has only one level of return, i.e. the target folder is always the previously played folder,
whatever the number of folders tagged with [RET] played in a row.
- Sequential or Random Playback Mode
By default, without this parameter, the folder is played in random mode.
[SEQ]: playback the files of the folder, in numerical ascending order
[RND]: playback in a random order.
Play the folder 001 in sequential mode, then stop.
Play the folder 002 in random mode and in a loop.
Play the folder 003 in random mode, then jump to the folder 001.
By choosing [SEQ] you select the sequential mode, meaning a reading in a defined order. The sorting is
made through a numerical order it has to say in the order of the numeros of the names of the files. The
files in the folder can be numbered from 001 to 999.(see next chapter related to files organisation within
the folders for the naming details).
In a defined order [SEQ], the files which are not numbered are ignored.
[V+xx] ou [V-xx]
Volume folder setting
The name of the folder can act on the output volume. This function is used to broadcast messages loud
more or less than others files.
The increase or decrease of the volume by the volume tags is always done relatively the main volume.
The xx parameter of the tag [V+xx] and [V-xx] is the number of volume steps to increase or decrease the
main volume. It is always written with 2 digits (example: 01, 32, 64). It is between 00 and 64.
Example :
001[V+05]: increase the volume level from 5 steps during the folder playback
001[V-03] : decrease the volume level form 3 steps during the folder playback
At the end of the reading of the folder, the volume level goes back to its previous level.
- If the variation values exceed the minimum or maximum values of the player, the levels are settled to
their maximum or minimum.