® Waves System
V 1.0 - 2018
ID-AL - EventPlayer mkII - Audio and DMX player - User manual
- Play a defined number of audio files from the folder.
This setting allows you to play a certain number of audio files from the folder designated by this tag. When
the number of audio files played in the folder is reach, the player applies the output tags added to the
folder name. If the number of files requested by the tag [NXTxxx] is greater than the number of audio files
in the folder, the player will loop-back in the folder as needed in order to play the exact number of audio
files requested.
With this tag, the player memorize the audio files that are played. This means that the audio files already
played by a previous command [NXTxxx] are not replayed if all audio files in the folder are not played.
The xxx parameter of the tag [NXTxxx] is the number of audio file to play in the designated folder. It is
always written with 3 digits (example: 001, 045, 999). It is between 001 and 999.
001[NXT003]: 3 audio files are played in the folder 001, then the player STOP.
002[NXT001][J000]: 1 audio file is played in the folder 002, then the player plays the folder 000.
003[NXT005][RET]: 5 audio files are played in the folder 003, then the player plays the last folder called.
004[NXT001][SEQ][J000]: The next file is played in the folder 004 in sequential sort.
- Select the auxiliary input after reading the current folder
The EventPlayer mkII player has an AUXiliary audio input. On this input, it can be connected a sound
source such as a satellite receiver, a computer, another audio player ...
The player is inserted in the main audio program to broadcast messages, news, music ...
The player can be used as a local program or as a backup system in the event of a failure of the main source.
Par programmation horaire ou déclenchement externe (contact d’entrée, Ethernet, liaison série...) le
programme musical qui entre par la prise auxiliaire est coupé par un fondu de sortie et le contenu du
répertoire sélectionné est diffusé. Si l’entrée Auxiliaire est à nouveau sélectionnée, le son remonte avec
un fondu d’entrée.
Pour revenir du mode auxiliaire et lire un dossier, il faut lancer une action sur une des entrées, un programme
horaire, un ordre sur la liaison RS232 ou par Ethernet.
By timestamped programming control or external trigger (input contact, Ethernet, serial link ...) the musical
program that enters through the auxiliary jack is cut by a fade out and the contents of the selected folder
is broadcast. If the Aux input is selected again, the sound rises with a fade in.
To return from the auxiliary mode and read a folder, it is necessary to launch an action on one of the inputs,
scheduling command, a data on the RS-232 link or Ethernet.
Example :
001 [AUX] : Play folder 001 then select the Aux input
Specific conduct:
- If a folder is missing but a command designates this folder, the playback is stopped.
-When triggering designating a folder that does not contain a file and if a name contains an optional tag, this
option is executed. If no playback option ( for example a jump )is indicated, the player turns into stop mode.
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