HDD and Network Mediaplayer
IB-MP309 series
7. After reboot, most of the NMT applications will start up automatically. To manually adjust the
settings for the NMT applications, go to Setup page.
3.2 general Connections
3.2.1 Computer Connection
(1) Make sure the player is powered on;
(2) Plug in the squarish connector of the USB cable to the player's USB DEVICE port;
(3) Plug in the rectangular connector of the USB cable to computer's USB port.
For windows system, the special tool (exT2FsD-046, free downloadable from the internet)
is needed to support exT2/exT3 format, but Linux PCs will be able to support exT2/exT3
without additional drivers.
For MAC systems see chapter 3.1 HDD and additional firmware installation.