HDD and Network Mediaplayer
IB-MP309 series
Thereafter go to Setup >Maintenance page and select the "
NMT setup wizard
" option.
6. Setup through the NMT wizard to partition, format and install NMT applications on the HDD
(network services). You can download the application (s. CD content) onto a USB thumb drive
(not included) and use that as the installation source.
[attention] This step will DeLeTe aLL data on HDD and the HDD will be formatted as
EXT2/EXT3 file format. For Windows system, the special tool (EXT2FSD-046, free
downloadable from the internet) is needed to support exT2/exT3 format.
Using a MAC OS computer you are able to use the FAT32 or NTFS file system but without
following the NMT wizard procedure as mentioned above. use an already partitioned HDD
(FaT32 or NTFs) or setup a new HDD to FaT32 or NTFs.
This Configuration will provide a limited range of network functionality (also for
windows). NTFs devices connected to a MaC os computer by usB: Therefore you need to
install MaCfuse and the NTFs_3g driver to your MaC computer free downloadable from
the internet (read/write). exT2 devices connected to a MaC os computer by usB:
Therefore you need to follow the NMT wizard for formatting the internal HDD to exT2 and
install MaCfuse and the exT2fsx driver to your MaC computer free downloadable from the
internet (read only).
Linux PCs will be able to support exT2/exT3 without additional drivers.
[attention] This process takes some time and must not be interrupted.
Please make sure that the power supply is not turned off until the upgrade process
is complete.