HDD and Network Mediaplayer
IB-MP309 series
7.4 BitTorrent Downloader
BitTorrent client is used for download to the internal HDD.
Usage Instructions:
Torrents can be managed by either clicking the Web Services > Torrent links from the
IB-MP309HW-B, or using a web browser on your PC and going to the following URL:
http://<NMT IP aDDress>:8883/torrent/bt.cgi
or follow Torrent links from
http://<NMT IP aDDress>:8088
Alternatively, for Windows XP, you can go to Start > My Network Places > Network Tasks.
Select the 'Show icons for network UPnP devices' option. The NMT will show up with its host name.
Double click on the icon will bring you to a page that will allow you to select the Torrent option
You can upload torrent files and control the torrent download setting from this page.
Torrent files are started automatically whenever the IB-MP309HW-B browser encounters
a .torrent file. You can also load .torrent file from USB storage devices.
You can also configure some client settings from the Setup > Torrent page on the NMT.
Note: You can configure the Host name from the Setup > Preferences > Host name option
on the IB-MP309HW-B.