2.2 Configuration of D/A Output Signal
The each D/A channel of PISO-DA2/DA2U can be independently configured as
voltage or current output using different range to fit your application, as shown in
Table 2-1 and Table 2-2. Generally, the range of voltage output, which includes
bipoloar and unipoloar, is configured by jumper JP1, JP2, JP5, and JP9. In
addition, the reference voltage and source are arranged by Jumper JP6 and
JP10. JP4 and JP8 define the internal reference voltage source as -5 V or -10 V
for channel 1 and 2 respectively.
For the current output, the user needs to define the reference voltage source as
internal -5 V by jumper JP4 and JP8 and use jumper JP5 and JP9 to define
signal as unipolar polarity. And then the range of the current output can be
configured by jumper JP3 and JP7 for channel 1 and 2 respectively.
Note that
each output channel can be set up as voltage or current output
independently by using the corresponding setting jumper.
The more detail
configuration method for the analog output will be demonstrated in the following
Table 2-1: Jumper setting
JP1, JP2, JP5, JP9
JP6, JP10, JP4, JP8
Output voltage
Polarity selection
Ext/Int selection
-10 V ~ +10 V
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
-5 V ~ +5 V
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
0 V ~ 10 V
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
0 V ~ 5 V
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
(Ext_ref voltage)~ -(Ext_ref. voltage)
0~ - (Ext_ref. voltage)
Table 2-2: Jumper setting for current sink
JP3, JP7
JP5, JP10
JP6, JP10 JP4, JP8
Current sink
Polarity selection
Ext/Int selection
0~20 mA
Output range setting
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
4~20 mA
Output range setting
Internal (-5 or -10 V)
PISO-DA2/DA2U User Manual (Ver.2.7, Mar. 2012, PMH-020-27)