PISO-CANFD series CAN FD card User Manual (version 1.0.0)
Page: 31
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Windows API Function Reference
This chapter describes the “pisocanfd” library APIs, including the System
Information API, the CAN Bus API and an overview of the error codes, which can be
helpful when developing custom applications. The library and demos can be
downloaded from the ICP DAS web site.
The demos and library are located at:
3.1. API Library Overview
All the functions provided by pisocanfd library can be separated into two groups,
“System Information API” and “CAN Bus API”.
[System Information API]
These functions are used to active and close the valid and necessary CAN board,
and can be used to get the board system information like dll version, board id, board
hardware version … etc.
These functions are used to initialize, reset CAN hardware and configure CAN Bus
bitrate, filter and operation mode parameters. Besides, user can use these API to
send/receive CAN messages and diagnostic CAN bus status.