M-4132 User Manual (Version 1.60, May/2014) PAGE:
Com Port Config
The user can set com port setting of M-4132
in this page. If com port setting of the server and client is different,
Com port setting of the client will be covered by the server. When
the user changes the setting in this page, the user must restart the M-
4132 to active the new setting.
1. Local Port
RS232 / RS485 / VxComm
Select local com port connection from RS-232 or RS-485 or
2. Remote Port
RS232 / RS485 / VxComm
Select remote com port connection from RS-232 or RS-485
or VxComm. This setting is used for VSoIP_Server.
3. Baud Rate
1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 /
57600 / 115200 / 230400 bps
4. Data Bits
5 / 6 / 7 / 8 data bits
5. Parity
None / Odd / Even / Space
6. Stop Bits
1 / 2 stop bits
7. Flow Control
None / Hardware / XonXoff
Figure 32: Com Port Config page
Audio Config
The user can set the Audio quality, output
volume and input volume in this page. When the audio quality is bad,
the user can turn audio quality, output volume and input volume
between the server and client to improve.