I-7530, I-7530-FT, I-7530A, I-7565
User’s Manual (Version 1.3, Apr/2015) -------- 25
Communication Configuration:
It is used to set the
communication mode of the CAN converters. In normal
mode, the UART interface of the CAN converters only
accept the command strings defined in the section 4. Any
UART messages which don
’t follow the command strings
will be regard as wrong messages. When the CAN
converters transfer the CAN messages to UART interface,
the CAN messages are presented by the command strings.
In pair connection mode, the CAN converters will transfer
any UART message to the data field of the CAN messages
whose message ID are fixed and predefined by the utility
tool. It is useful for transparent applications or pair
connection applications. The tM-7530 has an additional
communication mode,
“Listen Only” mode. In this mode, the
tM-7530 can only receive the CAN messages and can
send any CAN signal (include CAN Error Frame and the
change of the ACK field) to the CAN network.
Pair Connection Mode:
When uses choose the Pair
Connection in the Communication Mode, the pair connection