GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2 user’s manual v1.0
GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2 user’s manual, Version 1.0, 2013/10
Main menu
The main menu of GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2 Utility includes the following sections:
Tool Menu
“COM”: Set the COM port number in PC connecting to
Before operating GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2, users need to login to
GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2 Utility. After login the system successfully, the
menu item “login” would become “logout” and the GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2
Utility would be operated normally. Once the power is reset, the login
procedure needs to do again.
GT-540P-3GWA-OEM2 Utility only supports English interface.
There are import and export functions in “File” item. The functions would
be enabled when “Main parameters” window is open.
Export : The function can export the parameters to the defined .par file
from the “Main parameters” windows.
Import : The parameters would be shown in “Main parameters” window
from the defined .par file.
Version: Including the firmware and Utility version information.