Specialized Business Solutions
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UIC PP790SE PIN Pad device
Installation overview for the UIC PP790SE Pin Pad Device
In order for the Keystroke POS to use the UIC PIN Pad device, it requires the device to be recognized as a Serial Device.
If using a USB cable, you will need to run the PP790SE USB Driver Setup Wizard (see below).
Hardware: UIC PP790SE PIN Pad device
USB Driver: On the Keystroke POS CD (only needed if using a USB cable)
Keystroke Payment Server: KeyPay.exe (use the "Keystroke Update Installer”)
Keystroke Software: Keystroke POS - v7.00 Build 56 or later.
Connecting the Device to the Computer
The UIC PP790SE device can be connected using either a RS232 Serial cable or using a USB Cable
If using a serial cable, connect the device to a serial port, then skip the Installing the USB Driver section below
If using a USB Cable, download the
file from the Keystroke POS website
). Unzip this file in your \KEYSTROK program directory. You will find the required driver
files in the \KEYSTROK\DRIVERS\UIC\PP790SE\ folder
Installing the USB driver
If you are connecting the device using a USB Cable, you must install the USB drivers first
Open the "\KEYSTROK\DRIVERS\UIC\PP790SE folder
As Administrator, run the
program and accept the defaults
The application may not return a Finished Prompt so give it some time
You can now plug the USB device in.
Identifying the COM Port used in Device Manager
After plugging in the UIC PP790SE PIN Pad device in, a COM port will be assigned by Windows
If there are any questions as to what COM port has been assigned, you can go to Device Manager (Right-Click on
My Computer and Select Properties (on XP, click the Hardware Tab)) OR you can open Control Panel, and select
In Device Manager, look under Ports (COM & LPT). You should see the device listed
Make note of the COM port being used (i.e. COM4:).
Setup the PIN Pad hardware in Keystroke POS
In Configuration Manager, under Hardware - PIN Pad, select UIC-PP790SE
Under Port, select the COM port as determined by Device Manager above
Select Test Device. Follow the prompts
Setup an Authorization Method for credit card payments that use the mag-stripe reader
In Configuration Manager, under Tables - Authorization Methods, select the KPCREDIT Method
Verify the Type is set to Credit Card
Leave the other fields blank
Usually turn on Verify Address, Verify Zip, CVV2, and Manually Entered Only
Ok Amount can be on or off
Capture Signature should be Off
Under Card Reader, select PIN Pad-Card Swipe only (Credit Cards)
Select OK to Save