BLE-USB, USB to Bluetooth Low Energy Converter (Ver. 1.0, Oct/6/2016) 7
1.3.1 Broadcast Mode
The broadcast mode is the new features in the Bluetooth LE. The Bluetooth LE
Broadcaster device broadcasts packets to every device around it. The Bluetooth LE
Observer device can receive the information without connection. The BLE-USB supports
another feature in broadcaster mode. The Broadcaster and Observer (refer to
) had an
identification ID, and it call “
Group ID
”. The
“Group ID”
(refer to
) parameter
specifies the logical group identity for BLE-USB devices, and each BLE-USB module
must be set to the same value if it is in the same group as other modules.
The schematic diagram of broadcast mode was shown in
. It had two
broadcasters and ten observers. The Observer 1~5 can receive packet from broadcaster A.
The Observer 6~10 can receive packet from broadcaster B. The Observer 1~5 can receive
the information without connection. The Observer 1 also can receive packet from
broadcaster B, but the Observer 1 only can receive packet from broadcaster A because the
Group ID is different.
Figure 1-2. The schematic diagram of BLE-USB
1.3.2 Connection Mode
The connection mode need make a connection before packet exchange. The slave will
broadcast after power on. If the master receive broadcast packet from the Slave and it will
send connection request to the Slave. The Slave can connect to one Master unless it
disconnect with current Master. The Master can connect with three Slaves. If the number
of slave connections was reached to 3. The Master will not send connection request unless
the connections was less than 3. The Slave and Master also had “Group ID” (refer to
). The Slave and Master must be set to same “Group ID”, and the Master will send
connection request to the Slave. The Slave had a master identification mechanism. The
Group ID = 1
Group ID = 2