Page 17
Trouble shooting:
If the status bar light on top of the iCool turns Red when you touch the “Start System”
This means that the switch on the side of the TurboCool is turned to the HEAT mode. (Dual Temp models only)
If you intended to cool your pool then shut down the main power to the TurboCool and turn the switch to the COLD
position and restart.
If your screen freezes or fails to respond.
As with all computers and computer controlled devices it is possible that occasionally the system could freeze due to
data or software conflicts. Your iCool has 2 computers that monitor and communicate with each other. Occasionally
a data error can cause them to stop communicating. Just like your home computer you can restore normal function
by restarting the iCool by turning the main power off and then back on again. This reloads the software and runs a
diagnostic routine. If this does not restore normal operation, contact iCool for advice.
In most cases if the screen freezes while the iCool is running normally, the main computer will still carry on running
the system and monitoring the safety features but you will not be able to change anything and the displayed
temperatures will not update. You can either allow it to keep running if that is more convenient, or you can restore
the system to normal operation by switching off the main power and re starting.
If the iCool shuts down repeatedly and displays a “No Water” Red Warning Screen
To protect the pump and the Titanium heat exchanger tanks, the system will not allow operation unless the water
flows correctly. If water does not flow smoothly or if there is air trapped in the system for more than 2 minutes the
safety system will direct a shut down. Please refer to Page 5 for a full explanation and advice on how to correct this.
If the iCool shuts down and displays a “System Too Hot” Red Warning Screen
Your TurboCool is very powerful and can remove as much as 10,000 watts of heat per hour from your pool. Naturally
this heat has to be removed into the air surrounding the system. The powerful internal fans can normally handle
this with ease, however if the air flow around the iCool is restricted so that the heat can not escape, or the outside
air temperature is more than 45ºC, eventually the system will reach the limit of it’s safe operating range. If the
temperature inside the cabinet reaches 70ºC the safety system will shut it down, sound an alarm and display the
warning screen. Make sure that the fan inlets and the hot air outlets on the TurboCool are not covered or restricted
and that the area has a good flow of fresh air. On very hot days when the air temperure is more than 45ºC it may
not be possible to run the system at full power due to the excessive heat.
Most problems can be resolved quickly by phone or email.
ICool has an excellent reputation around the world for product reliability and prompt customer service. So that you
are not prevented from using your system for an important event even if there is a rare failure of a component, we
have also build-in ways to work around partial failures. This is a unique advantage of our dual design. TurboCools
are actually complete 2 heat pumps in one cabinet so they have built in backups. Our staff can assist you by phone
or e-mail.
Our Customer Support is available 7 Days a week.
Just email us at [email protected] and we will respond with assistance usually the
same day.
As our factory and service staff are based in Australia, please allow for a short delay due to time zone
differences. We can also provide local support in many major regions of the world. Just contact us and we will do
our very best to assist you quickly. You can also contact us via our website.