Fuse replacement
If a fuse blows or the transceiver stops functioning,
try to find the source of the problem, and replace the
damaged fuse with a new, adequately rated fuse.
the DC power cable
from the transceiver when changing a fuse.
The IC-7200 has two fuses (DC power cable fuses)
installed for transceiver protection.
• DC power cable fuses .............................. ATC 30 A
• Circuitry fuse .............................................. ATC 5 A
DC power cable fuse replacement
Refer the figure illustrated at right for the DC power
cable fuse replacement.
Circuitry fuse replacement
The 13.8 V DC from the DC power cable is applied to
all units in the IC-7200, except for the power amplifier,
through the circuitry fuse. This fuse is installed in the
PA unit.
Remove the 11 screws, then remode the bottom
cover and the PA shielding plate as shown below.
ATC 30 A fuse
Replace the circuitry fuse as shown in the diagram
as below.
Front panel
ATC 5 A fuse
Replace the PA shielding plate, bottom cover and
screws to their original position.
Be sure
the gasket is seated correctly, and do not
protrude from the transceiver when the PA shield-
ing plate is replaced.