Conversion function between ice-cream mode and yogurt mode
1) The default mode is the ice-cream mode.
2) The modes can be distinguished by checking LED’s; lighting for the ice-cream
mode, and blinking for the yogurt mode.
Pressing ‘FREEZING CONTROL LEVEL’ button for two seconds converts to
other mode (The buzzer sounds when conversion is complete).
The yogurt mode is used for freezing stronger than the ice-cream mode.
How to set non-load
Press the freezing adjusting switch for five seconds after supplying power in the MIX
OUT (no material) condition to enter into the program.
Perform non-load setting for each of the following cases:
1) New installation
2) Moving the system to other position, and reinstalling the system
3) After replacing parts relevant to producing ice-cream
(e.g., Desher motor, LUG POM and compressor)
Conversion function between
ice-cream mode and yogurt mode
How to set non-load