IceLed ltd
Audio beat divider
The triggering of audio effects can be modified by the beat divider setting. Four
different trigger patterns can be selected (a b c d) and each pattern can be set to
respond to every beat, every second beat or every fourth beat.
Program exceptions
0 can be activated automatically by
an external circuit e.g. a switch operated by an
opening car door. This only happens when ZEN
is in
mode so an opening door will not
override a program already in use. Switching off
the unit with the remote control
when program
0 has been circuit activated temporarily disables
this feature as it suggests that lights are not
automatically required. Automatic operation is
restored the next time ZEN is switched on using
the remote control.
Leaving the vehicle
If a program is active, selecting program 0 rather than switching-off before opening
the door and leaving the vehicle provides continuous ambient illumination. Once
selected, program zero remains on until the enable input instructs it to switch off.
This will be the case once the door has been opened and closed.
In order to prevent inadvertent operation the ‘Lightning’ strobe effect can only be
activated by holding down the
button. The strobe responds to sound activation
and to the speed control. When engaged the remote display shows
strobes). To enter
Program Edit
mode for the strobe hold down the
while the strobe program is active.
Trigger pattern
all zones respond simultaneously
effects alternate between zones 1&3, 2&4
effects alternate between zones 1&2, 3&4
each zone responds sequentially
In the case of being switched-on
automatically by opening a car
door, program zero will remain on
for a short period after the door is
closed to provide an interior light
delay facility. By sensing the supply
voltage, ZEN brings about an early
termination of this period when the
car engine is started or when
leaving the car after a journey.