IceLed ltd
Remote display
The complete kit consists of:
1 x ECU
1 x Remote display
1 x Remote control handset
Step 1: Install the ECU
The ECU must not be exposed to moisture or excessive heat
so should therefore be located inside the car or luggage bay
– not outside or within the engine bay. An ideal location
might be somewhere under the dashboard, with a short
route to the car battery. The box should be secured to a flat
surface using the three short self-tapping screws provided.
Ensure that the drilling of these holes will not damage wiring
or other equipment on the other side. Care should also be
taken not to over-tighten these fixings.
A fourth hole will be required nearby to attach the chassis return wire. It is not
sufficient to use any of the case screws for this connection, as it needs to be fully
tightened in order to make a good connection to the metalwork.
Do not connect
either of the power wires yet
Step 2: Locate the remote display
The remote display unit plugs into a socket on the rear of the ECU.
The display should be positioned
where the driver can see it and, as
it also receives infrared commands
from the remote handset, it should
be located at window level to allow
the handset to be operated from
outside the vehicle.
An ideal place for the remote
display might be in the corner of the
dashboard where it meets the
Step 4: Wiring the ECU
The 3-way connectors terminating the red green and blue wires from the light
sources in each zone can be plugged into the appropriate zones. These plugs can be
rearranged at any time to reassign the lights to different zones.
Connections to the 12V supply should be made with the fuse temporarily
removed from its holder in the red lead.
The red + wire should be run directly
to the vehicle battery if possible, in order to maintain a permanent supply for
standby mode. Other power ‘pick-up’ points may be suitable so long as they provide
a constant supply. In either case the fuse holder must be located nearest the supply
end so that the fuse can be effective in protecting the wire all the way back to the
1 x Fused supply wire
1 x Chassis return wire
3 x Self-tapping screws for mounting ECU
1 x Self-tapping screw and washer for chassis return wire
Installation should be
carried out in the
following sequence
after first reading
through every step (this
will assist in locating
everything in the best