IceLed ltd
Audio activation
Audio activation is
toggled on and off with
each alternate press of
the loudspeaker button.
The small dot on the remote
display lights brightly when audio
activation is enabled and blinks in
time with the internal beat
Adjusting the audio effect
If zones are free to respond to
sound then the way they do so is
determined by the setting of the
Audio effect range.
In the top 50% of the range each audio beat reduces the
saturation of the
colour towards white. The saturation effect becomes more pronounced the
further towards the maximum limit the setting is taken. At 100% each beat
completely de-saturates the colour forcing it to white before settling back
to the amount of saturation defined by the
home colour after the beat.
While in this upper control region the remote display shows:
In addition to the saturation effect, around the centre of the range, every
beat also steps the
Hue of each zone by a variable amount. The size of this
step varies symmetrically either side of the centre of the range with the
50% position providing the biggest step. This position also coincides with
zero change in both
Level and Saturation and is identified with – on the
remote display. The step in
Hue falls off to zero below the 25% and above
the 75% points leaving only
Level or Saturation affected by the audio beat.
In the lower 50% of the range the audio beat increases the
Level of each
zone pulsing it to the
home colour setting before fading back into darkness
until the next beat arrives. Increasing the setting gradually raises the
Level up to a point halfway through the control range at which
point no dimming will occur at all. While in this lower control region the
remote display shows:
The audio effect can be disabled for individual
Zones in
Program Edit
mode. This might be
useful for setting up programs having particular
zones that are less distracting than others.
Disabled zones may still respond to colour
sweeping if desired using the options described
on page 9.
Audio effect
– for a given program, the
chosen Audio effect applies
globally to all zones opting-in for
sound activation. Other
programs may be configured
with different effects to create a
variety of lighting schemes each
with their own distinct