Rev AA
Using the Tools Page 4-11
- Encoder Speed: Shows the actual real-time speed of the film being
measured by the encoder
- Encoder Scaling: A parameter set to run the printing ribbon at a
slightly lower speed to the packaging film. This can improve
printing quality at very high packaging film speeds.
• External Inputs 1, 2, 3: Shows the real-time status of each of the two
inputs and the unused spare input.
• Printhead Position: Indicates whether the printhead home sensor is
detecting the head as parked or not
• Cassette Open: Indicates whether the cassette home sensor is
recognising the cassette as being open or closed
• Motor Volts: Shows the voltage supply to the stepper motors (must be
• Printhead Volts: Shows the drive voltage to the printhead. This varies,
depending on the printhead resistance but should be in the range of
22V-27V depending on printhead resistance.
• 24 Volt Supply: Shows the voltage supply for the printers I/O (must
be 24V)
• Printhead Temperature: Shows the real-time reading of the thermistor
on the thermal printhead
• Printer Ambient Temperature: Shows the real-time temperature of the
hottest component inside the printer unit.
Service Manual