© iBOTZ (Ireland) Limited.2004.
No part of this manual may be reproduced with express permission of iBOTZ (Ireland) Limited
Watch the Sound Chart. Clap your hands, shout or whistle. You should see the sound level rise
as you do so. If it doesn't, adjust the Sound Level potentiometer inside the robot:
The Sound Chart line will shift up and down as you turn the potentiometer. The line should be at
the bottom of the chart when there is silence and the line should move up with a hand-clap or
loud noise. If the robot repeatedly reacts to sounds even when there aren't any then it is too
sensitive to sound. It is reacting to the rumble of its own wheels. Adjust the Sound Level
potentiometer so that it is less sensitive. You can test it with the motors running by checking the
Motors On checkbox.
The Picobotz can distinguish two kinds of sound:
- a short noise such as a hand-clap
- a long noise such as a whistle
The length of the sound is the time during which it is above the threshold marked in red on the
Sound Chart.
The maximum length of a "short" noise is set by the "Short lound length" bar and is marked on
the Sound Chart by vertical red lines. Click and drag the mouse over the bar or over the Sound
Chart to set the "short" noise length limit.
A Picobotz program can test whether a sound has occurred with an If instruction:
If Short Noise then
The <instructions> are executed if the robot has heard a short sound. Similarly, with:
If Long Noise then