© iBOTZ (Ireland) Limited.2004.
No part of this manual may be reproduced with express permission of iBOTZ (Ireland) Limited
Programming Picobotz™
The Picobotz™ can be programmed with up to 180 instructions. The programs are written on a
PC running Windows and downloaded into the Picobotz through an RS232 port.
When the Picobotz is switched on, if the programming cable is plugged in then the Picobotz waits
for communications from the PC. If the programming cable is unplugged then the Picobotz starts
to execute its current program.
If you forget to turn off the Picobotz, it will beep once a minute. There is a "Reminder" timer which
is reset whenever the motors are turned on or off, whenever the PC sends a command to the
Picobotz, whenever the Picobotz beeps and whenever the ResetTimeout instruction is executed
(see below).
Plugging-in the programming cable
Plug the programming cable into a spare COM port in the back of your PC. The COM port should
have 9 pins arranged like this:
If it has 25 pins:
then you will need a 25-way to 9-way convertor.
Plug the other end of the programming cable into the Picobotz and turn the Picobotz on. Make
sure you plug the cable into the robot before you turn the robot on.
Run the Picobotz.exe program on the PC and select the Options|Comms menu command. The
COM port dialog will appear:
If the program is successfully communicating with the Picobotz robot then the message "Comms
with Picobotz successful" will be shown.
If the program cannot communicate with the robot then the message "No Comms with Picobotz"
will be shown. Select another COM port number; check that the cable is plugged in properly and
that the Picobotz robot is turned on.