on the controller. The storage subsystem might take several minutes to power
up, depending on the number of attached storage expansion enclosures. The
battery self-test might take an additional 15 minutes. The LEDs will blink
intermittently until the storage subsystem powers up and completes the battery
10. Determine the status of all storage subsystems and their components in the
configuration, by completing the following steps:
a. Check all LEDs on each component in the storage expansion enclosures.
Ensure that all the LEDs show normal status.
b. Check all LEDs on each component in the DS5100 and DS5300. Ensure
that all the LEDs show normal status. For information about LED status,
see “Checking the LEDs” on page 143.
c. Open the Subsystem Management window, and display the Physical View
for the configuration.
d. Review the status of the configuration components shown in the
Subsystem Management window by selecting the appropriate component
button for each storage subsystem. The status for each component will be
either Optimal or Needs Attention.
11. Are the LEDs indicating normal operation, and is the status Optimal on all the
configuration components?
Yes – End of procedure.
No – Go to step 12.
12. Diagnose and correct the fault by completing the following steps:
a. Run the Recovery Guru by selecting the Recovery Guru toolbar button in
the Subsystem Management window.
b. Complete the recovery procedure. If the Recovery Guru directs you to
replace a failed component, use the individual LEDs on the storage
subsystem to locate the specific failed component. (For more on
troubleshooting the storage subsystem, see “Troubleshooting the storage
subsystem” on page 142.)
c. When the recovery procedure is completed, select
in the
Recovery Guru. This action reruns the Recovery Guru to ensure that the
problem has been fixed.
d. If the problem has not been fixed, contact your IBM service representative.
Responding to the audible alarm
The DS5100 and DS5300 ships with the audible alarm option disabled.
You can enable the audible alarm with the DS Storage Manager client. If the
audible alarm is enabled, you must remove the DS5100 and DS5300 bezel in order
to mute the alarm.
The alarm provides an audible warning of potentially serious problems with the
storage subsystem. The storage subsystem is shipped with the alarm disabled. You
can enable or disable the Audible Alarm feature using the DS Storage Manager
Subsystem Management window graphical user interface (GUI). Any change you
make takes effect after approximately five minutes. If you enable the alarm, the
DS5100 and DS5300 alarm will sound upon the next detection of a storage
subsystem failure.
The alarm will not sound when it is enabled if it detects a subsystem failure
that has been detected by the controllers prior to the enabling of the alarm.
IBM System Storage DS5100 and DS5300 Storage Subsystem: Installation, User’s, and Maintenance Guide