• SFP transceivers are static-sensitive. To prevent ESD damage, wear an ESD-preventive wrist strap that
is connected to the chassis while handling transceivers.
• Do not remove and reinsert a transceiver more often than necessary. Repeated removals and insertions
can shorten its useful life.
• Keep all optical connections covered when not in use. If they become dusty, clean them before using in
order to prevent dust from scratching the fiber-optic cable ends.
• Do not touch the ends of connectors. This prevents fingerprints and other contamination of the
• Inspect cables before installation for dust and damage. If damage is suspected, clean the ends and
check for excessive light loss with a light meter.
Powering Up the Switch
About this task
This section provides instructions for powering up the switch and verifying component installation.
CAUTION: During this procedure, wear grounding wrist straps to avoid ESD damage to the switch.
Note: Do not connect the MGMT ETH0 port to the LAN until the initial switch configuration has been
performed through the console connection. For instructions on connecting this port, see the Connecting
the Management Port section.
To power up the switch and verify hardware operation, follow these steps:
1. Verify that sufficient PSUs and fan modules are installed.
2. Plug the power cables into the power supplies and arrange the cables so that they cannot be
accidentally pulled out.
Depending on the outlet receptacle on your power distribution unit, you may need the optional
jumper power cord to connect the IBM SAN48C-6 Switch to your outlet receptacle. For more
information about the jumper power cord, see the Jumper Power Cord section.
3. Connect the other end of the power cables to the site power outlets that have the required power
4. Ensure that the switch is adequately grounded, as described in the Grounding the Switch section.
5. Connect a terminal device to the serial console port. For more information, see the Connecting the
6. If using Power On Automatic Provisioning (POAP), insert the USB stick with the required files into the
USB port.
7. Turn the site power outlet switches to On. The switch boots automatically.
8. Listen for the fans; they should begin operating as soon as the switch is powered on.
Note: Do not operate the switch without a functioning fan module, except briefly during the fan
module replacement procedure. IBM c-type SAN Switches can operate for only a few minutes
without any functioning fan modules before they begin to overheat.
9. Verify that the LED behavior is as follows when the switch has finished booting:
• Fan status LED is green.
• Both LEDs on each PSU are green.
• The switch status LED is green. If this LED is orange or red, it indicates that one or more
environmental monitors is reporting a problem.
Chapter 4. Connecting the IBM SAN48C-6 Switch 35