System Resources Summary
System Resources Summary Report
Use the PM for Power Systems in support of IBM i interactive graphic client to display the
Management Summary Report. It is also part of the Fact Sheet 2 .pdf report, as shown above.
The .pdf Management Summary report also includes CPU average and peak graphs in addition
to the disk space average.
CPU interactive, CPU system and interactive, and CPU total are displayed with the average,
peak, and maximum value.
The average values represent the average of all the 15-minute utilization summaries across each
shift of each day included in the reporting period.
The peak average values represent the averages of the utilization summaries for the highest two
hours for each shift of each day in the reporting period.
The maximum values represent the maximum utilization that occurred during the reporting period.
See the previous CPU, disk and memory graphs in this document for additional understanding of
the information.
The Months column refers to the calculated number of month's growth based on current growth
rates until guidelines are reached. The maximum number is 12 (if the calculation results in more
than 12 months). This is calculated when the monthly report is run. There can be zeros in this
column if you choose to look at this graph at a date that is later than the last report was made.
PM for Power Systems Graph Reference Document