© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000
Chapter 5. Solving problems
This section provides basic troubleshooting information to help you resolve some
common problems that might occur with your server.
If you cannot locate and correct the problem using the information in this section,
refer to the "Solving problems" section in the User’s Reference on the IBM xSeries
Documentation CD.
Diagnostic tools overview
The following tools are available to help you identify and resolve hardware-related
POST beep codes
The power-on self-test (POST) beep codes indicate the detection of a problem.
Diagnostic programs and error messages
The server-diagnostic programs are provided on the IBM Enhanced Diagnostics
CD. These programs test the major components of your server.
Refer to the "Solving Problems" section in the User’s Reference on the IBM
xSeries Documentation CD for more detailed information about the
diagnostic programs.
Troubleshooting chart
This chart lists problem symptoms and steps to correct the problems. See the
“Troubleshooting chart” on page 31 for more information.
Customized support page
You can create a customized support page on the World Wide Web that is
specific to your hardware, including frequently asked questions, parts
information, technical hints and tips, and downloadable files. In addition, you
can choose to receive electronic mail (e-mail) notifications whenever new
information becomes available about your registered products.
After you register and profile your xSeries 200, you can diagnose problems
using the IBM Online Assistant, and you can participate in the IBM discussion
forum. For more detailed information about registering and creating a
customized profile for your IBM products, visit the following addresses on the
— http://www.ibm.com/pc/register
— http://www.ibm.com/pc/support
POST beep code descriptions
The possible types of beep codes that your system might emit are:
Repeating long beeps
Indicates that a memory error has occurred. Ensure that all DIMMs are
correctly installed.