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DBL394en | 1
Issue rev. 8 | 07/2022
K1 K2 KC1
End point position
End point position
K3 K4 KC2
The actuator is provided with a self diagnostic algorithm able to detect faulty conditions:
• stroke calibration out of range 5-60mm;
• unexpected stall condition (e.g. valve stuck or extra stroke due to actuator link loose);
• voltage supply out of range.
These faulty conditions are signalled via the GREEN and RED LED on the electronic board blinking accordingly (see Diagnostic – Alarm
Function Table).
The actuator can be mounted with any orientation but never up-side down. When the fluid temperature exceed 120°C the actuator
shall be mounted leaning 45°.
T fluid ≥ 120°C
T fluid MAX 120°C
T fluid ≥ 120°C
To mount the actuator on to a valve, position the valve stem to the bottom of its travel, slide the actuator onto the valve neck, adju-
sting with the manual override the screw jack position so the square nut on the valve spindle fits into the groove on the cross bar.
Then slide the brace into the groove on the valve neck and secure the nuts.
See mounting instructions for full details (MVE2xx_DIM205).
The actuator is maintenance free.